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Learning Rust 01: Introduction and Basics

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Why Rust?

Rust is a programming language that helps you write faster, and more reliable software. It combines the low-level control and performance of languages like C/C++ with modern safety features that prevent common bugs and concurrency issues, making it an ideal choice for building reliable, high-performance systems.

Rust is about confidence. Rust is about clarity. I'm very happy that I'm confident about my code that it won't break suddenly at 4am.

When Rust?

Rust is an excellent choice for building high-performance, low-level systems, where safety and concurrency are key concerns, especially in operating systems, embedded systems, game development, cryptographic applications, and networking systems. If you are working on performance-critical software and want to avoid common bugs found in languages like C/C++, Rust ensures that issues like memory leaks, buffer overflows, dangling pointers, and data races are caught at compile time.

Rust over other languages

  • C/C++: Offers similar performance but lacks Rust's memory safety guarantees.
  • Go: Has runtime overhead due to garbage collection.
  • Java: Slower due to JVM and garbage collection.
  • Python: Slower due to dynamic typing and interpreted nature.
  • JavaScript: Slower because it runs in a virtual machine and is interpreted.

Problems with Rust itself

Steep learning curve due to the ownership model and borrow checker. Longer compilation time due to rigorous checks to ensure safety.

Installation and Getting Started

# Install Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# Create new project
cargo new hello_world
cd hello_world

Project structure:

├── Cargo.toml     # Dependencies and metadata
├── src/
│   └──    # Entry point
└── target/        # Build artifacts

Rust has many tools to help you build your project:

  • rustc: the Rust compiler which turns .rs files into binaries and other intermediate formats.
  • cargo: the Rust dependency manager and build tool.
  • rustup: the Rust toolchain installer and updater.

Your First Rust Program

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Key concepts:

  • main(): Program entry point
  • println!: Macro for formatted output
  • ;: Statement terminator
  • {}: Scope blocks

Build and run:

cargo run              # Development
cargo build --release  # Production

Variables and Mutability

Variable is a name given to a memory location. In Rust, variables are immutable by default.

// immutable variable
let x = 5;
// mutable variable
let mut x = 5;
x = 6;

Const is a variable that cannot be changed.

const PI: f64 = 3.14;

Static is a variable that lives for the entire program execution and cannot be moved. It is accessible from any part of the module where it is declared.

static mut COUNTER: u32 = 0;

Shadowing allows redeclaring a variable with the same name.

let x = 5;
let x = x + 1; // x = 6


References in Rust come in two flavors: shared (&) and exclusive (&mut).

// Shared references (multiple allowed)
let x = 5;
let r1 = &x;    // OK
let r2 = &x;    // OK - multiple shared references allowed
println!("{} {}", r1, r2);

// Exclusive references (only one allowed)
let mut y = 5;
let m1 = &mut y;    // OK
// let m2 = &mut y; // Error - only one mutable reference allowed
*m1 = 6;           // Dereference to modify

Slices are references to a contiguous sequence of elements:

let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let slice = &array[1..4];  // References elements 2, 3, 4

// String slices
let string = String::from("hello world");
let hello = &string[0..5];  // "hello"
let world = &string[6..];   // "world"

Reference Validity: The Rust compiler ensures references are always valid:

  • References cannot outlive their referent
  • Mutable references cannot coexist with other references
  • References must always point to valid data

Data Types

Rust is a statically typed language, which means all variables must have a known type at compile time. The compiler can usually infer the type, but explicit type annotations are sometimes needed.

// Scalar Types
let integer: i32 = 42;      // i8 to i128, u8 to u128
let float: f64 = 3.14;      // f32, f64
let boolean: bool = true;    // true, false
let character: char = 'A';   // Unicode scalar

// Compound Types
let tuple: (i32, f64) = (42, 3.14);
let array: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
let slice: &[i32] = &array[1..];

// String Types
let str_literal: &str = "Hello";           // String slice
let string: String = String::from("Hello"); // Owned string

Custom Types


Structs are custom data types that let you package related values together. Rust offers three types of structs:

// Named struct
struct Person {
    name: String,
    age: u32,
    is_student: bool

// Tuple struct
struct Point(i32, i32);

// Unit struct (no fields)
struct Unit;

// Implementing methods
impl Person {
    // Constructor (convention: new)
    fn new(name: String, age: u32) -> Person {
        Person {
            is_student: false

    // Instance method
    fn celebrate_birthday(&mut self) {
        self.age += 1;

// Usage and destructuring
let mut alice = Person::new(String::from("Alice"), 25);

let point = Point { x: 0, y: 7 };
let Point { x, y } = point;  // Destructuring
println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y);

// Pattern matching with struct
match point {
    Point { x: 0, y } => println!("On y axis: {}", y),
    Point { x, y: 0 } => println!("On x axis: {}", x),
    Point { x, y } => println!("At coordinates: ({}, {})", x, y),

Structs are fundamental to organizing code in Rust, offering:

  • Strong type safety
  • Encapsulation of related data
  • Method implementation through impl blocks
  • Pattern matching capabilities
  • Derivable traits (Debug, Clone, etc.)


Enums in Rust are incredibly powerful and form the backbone of Rust's type system. They can encode variants, hold data, and implement methods:

// Basic enum
enum Result<T, E> {
    Ok(T),    // Success variant with data
    Err(E),   // Error variant with data

// Complex enum example
enum Message {
    Quit,                       // Unit variant
    Move { x: i32, y: i32 },   // Named fields
    Write(String),             // Single value
    ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32) // Multiple values

// Implementing methods and pattern matching
impl Message {
    fn call(&self) {
        // Destructuring in match
        match self {
            Message::Quit => println!("Quitting"),
            Message::Move { x, y } => println!("Moving to ({}, {})", x, y),
            Message::Write(text) => println!("Text message: {}", text),
            Message::ChangeColor(r, g, b) => println!("Color: RGB({},{},{})", r, g, b),

// Usage with destructuring
let msg = Message::Move { x: 3, y: 4 };
if let Message::Move { x, y } = msg {
    println!("Moving to ({}, {})", x, y);

Rust's enums are particularly powerful because they:

  • Can contain data of any type
  • Support pattern matching exhaustively
  • Enable null-safety through Option<T>
  • Handle errors elegantly with Result<T, E>
  • Allow encoding of state machines
  • Can implement traits and methods

Expressions and Control Flow

  1. Block Expressions:

    let y = {
        let x = 3;
        x + 1  // No semicolon = return value
    };  // y = 4
  2. If Expressions:

    // As expression
    let number = if condition { 5 } else { 6 };
    // As control flow
    if number < 5 {
        println!("less than 5");
    } else if number > 10 {
        println!("greater than 10");
    } else {
        println!("between 5 and 10");
  3. Match Expressions:

    match value {
        // Match literals
        1 => println!("One"),
        // Match multiple values
        2 | 3 => println!("Two or three"),
        // Match range
        4..=6 => println!("Four through six"),
        // Catch-all pattern
        _ => println!("Something else"),
    // if let for single pattern
    if let Some(x) = optional_value {
        println!("Got value: {}", x);
    // while let for repeated matching
    while let Some(top) = stack.pop() {
        println!("Top: {}", top);
  4. Loops:

    // loop with break value
    let result = loop {
        counter += 1;
        if counter == 10 { break counter; }
    // while loop
    while number != 0 {
        number -= 1;
    // for loop
    for number in 1..4 {
        println!("{}!", number);

Error Handling

Rust provides robust error handling through its type system and helpful compiler error messages that guide you to fix issues with detailed explanations and suggestions.

// Result for recoverable errors
fn divide(x: i32, y: i32) -> Result<i32, String> {
    if y == 0 { return Err("Division by zero".into()); }
    Ok(x / y)

// Option for nullable values
let numbers = vec![1, 2, 3];
let first: Option<&i32> = numbers.first();

// Error propagation
fn process() -> Result<i32, String> {
    let result = divide(10, 2)?;  // Returns Err early
    Ok(result * 2)


// Single line comment

/* Multi-line comment */

/// Doc comment for items (functions, structs, etc.)
/// Supports markdown

//! Doc comment for the module itself