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Learning Rust 03: Memory Management and Ownership

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Programs allocate memory in two ways. Stack, continuous allocation of memory for fixed sized variables. Heap, dynamic sized variables determined at runtime.

Languages like C/C++ give programmers full control over memory but are error-prone. Others like Java and Python manage memory automatically but add runtime overhead. Rust takes a unique approach by enforcing memory safety at compile-time, providing both control and safety.


Each value in Rust has a single owner at a time. Ownership can be moved, and the previous owner becomes invalid.

let s1 = String::from("Hello");
let s2 = s1;  // Ownership moved


References (&T for immutable, &mut T for mutable) provide temporary access without ownership transfer. Borrowing ensures safe access without data races or dangling references.

Rust enforces strict borrowing rules:

  1. You can have:

    • One mutable reference (&mut T) OR
    • Multiple immutable references (&T) at a time.
    • Use T if you need to move/drop the data.
  2. References must always be valid.

let s = String::from("Hello");
let s_ref = &s; // Immutable borrow

Check interior mutability to see how to mutate data behind a immutable reference.

Ownership & Borrowing Relationship:

  • Ownership ensures memory safety; borrowing provides temporary, safe access without ownership transfer.
  • Rules:
    • One mutable reference or multiple immutable references, but not both at the same time.
    • References must be valid.

Move Semantics:

An assignment will transfer ownership between variables:

let s1 = String::from("Hello");
let s2 = s1;  // Ownership moved

When s1 goes out of scope, it owns nothing, and when s2 goes out of scope, the data is freed.

Copy and Clone:

  • Copy: For fixed-size types (e.g., integers, bool, char).
    • Performs a bitwise copy, meaning it simply duplicates the value in memory without allocating new heap memory.
      let x = 5;
      let y = x;  // `x` is copied, no move happens, both `x` and `y` are independent.
  • Clone: Explicit deep copying for more complex types.
    • Performs a deep copy, meaning it allocates new memory and copies the data.
      let s1 = String::from("hello");
      let s2 = s1.clone();  // `s2` is a separate copy, and `s1` remains valid.


The Drop trait is automatically implemented for all types that have owned resources. It allows you to define custom cleanup logic when the resource is no longer needed.

struct MyStruct {
    data: String,

impl Drop for MyStruct {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // This code runs automatically when MyStruct goes out of scope
        println!("Dropping MyStruct with data: {}",;

Smart Pointers

Box<T>: A heap-allocated pointer with single ownership.

  • Store heap-allocated data, especially for recursive types like trees.
    let boxed = Box::new(5); // Storing an integer on the heap
    println!("{}", boxed);

Rc<T> (Reference Counted): Shared ownership of immutable data within a single-threaded context.

  • Use when multiple owners need read-only access.

    use std::rc::Rc;
    let shared = Rc::new(5); // Single owner
    let shared2 = Rc::clone(&shared); // Shared ownership
    println!("{}", shared); // Both share ownership and can be used

Arc<T> (Atomic Reference Counted): Thread-safe version of Rc.

  • Use in multithreaded environments.

    use std::sync::Arc;
    use std::sync::Mutex;
    let counter = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0));
    let counter_clone = Arc::clone(&counter);
    // Use in a thread-safe context

Owned Trait Objects:

Owned trait objects in Rust, such as Box<dyn Trait>, Rc<dyn Trait>, and Arc<dyn Trait> are smart pointers that take ownership of heap-allocated data implementing a trait, managing its lifecycle automatically. Unlike borrowed trait objects (&dyn Trait), they enable dynamic dispatch with safe, predictable memory management, supporting single ownership (Box) or shared ownership in single-threaded (Rc) and multi-threaded (Arc) contexts.

Interior Mutability

Interior mutability allows you to modify data even when it’s behind an immutable reference. Common patterns:

Cell<T>: Provides interior mutability for Copy types (like integers, bool, char) in a single-threaded context. Cell copies the data in and out.

use std::cell::Cell;

let cell = Cell::new(5);
cell.set(10); // Mutate the value inside the cell
println!("{}", cell.get()); // Access the modified value

RefCell<T> : Provide interior mutability with runtime borrow-checking. Use for non-Copy types (like structs).

use std::cell::RefCell;

let cell = RefCell::new(5);
*cell.borrow_mut() = 10; // Mutate the value inside
println!("{}", cell.borrow()); // Access the modified value

Mutex<T>: Provides interior mutability with thread-safety (exclusive access).

use std::sync::Mutex;

let mutex = Mutex::new(5);
let mut data = mutex.lock().unwrap(); // Acquire the lock
*data = 10; // Mutate the value inside the mutex
println!("{}", *data); // Access the modified value

RwLock<T>: Provides safe read-write locks for concurrent access across threads.

use std::sync::RwLock;

let rwlock = RwLock::new(5);
let read =; // Multiple threads can read concurrently
let mut write = rwlock.write().unwrap(); // Only one thread can write at a time
*write = 10;

Difference Between Box, Rc, Arc, Cell, RefCell, Mutex, RwLock

  • Box: For single ownership. A great use case is to use this when we want to store primitive types (stored on stack) on the heap.
  • Rc: For multiple ownership, for single-threaded contexts.
  • Arc: For multiple ownership, with thread-safety.
  • Cell: For "interior mutability" for Copy types; that is, when you need to mutate something behind a &T. Cell is similar to RefCell, except that instead of giving references to the inner value, the value is copied in and out of the Cell.
  • RefCell: For "interior mutability"; that is, when you need to mutate something behind a &T.
  • Mutex: Offers interior mutability that’s safe to use across threads.
  • RwLock: Safe read-write locks for concurrent access in multithreaded environments.


The Rust compiler tracks how long references are valid to ensure memory safety.

A lifetime defines how long a reference is valid, with the borrow checker ensuring references never outlive their values. While usually implicit, lifetimes can be explicitly annotated (like &'a Point). Lifetimes become more complicated when considering passing values to and returning values from functions.

Lifetime Elision: Rust often infers lifetimes based on the function signature.

The rules are:

  • Rule 1: Each reference parameter gets its own lifetime.
  • Rule 2: If there’s one reference input, the output lifetime is the same as the input.
  • Rule 3: For multiple input references, the output reference must specify which input lifetime it depends on.

Lifetime Types:

  • &: Implicit lifetime inferred by the compiler.
  • 'a: Explicit user-defined lifetime.
  • 'static: Longest possible lifetime (used for static data).
  • fn bounded_lifetime<'a, 'b: 'a>'b must outlive 'a.

Struct Lifetimes:

struct Point {
    x: i32, // x is an i32
    y: i32, // y is an i32

struct Point<'a> {
    x: &'a i32, // x is a reference to an i32
    y: &'a i32, // y is a reference to an i32

The first Point struct owns its data directly, while the second stores references and requires lifetime annotations to ensure the references remain valid.

